Sunday, August 23, 2009

First Things First

Well, I finished my first week of my second year of teaching. Wow. It was really hard! I think I forgot how hard it is the first week back to school. You are just getting used to the students, and they are just getting used to you. I have 20 little blessings so far--11 boys and 9 girls. There is always the possibility of getting more. It is neat because about half of them are the same kids my old roommate had last year, so I already know a bit about them. They are sure active! They did a pretty good job of listening most of the time, but when they didn't it was pretty crazy! It's hard sitting still when you've been playing all summer. Some highlights of the week:
-Meeting my new students for the year! One of my boys I had his brother last year, so that's cool. I also have a set of triplet boys! It will be an interesting year with that, that's for sure!
-Seeing my old students from last year! Most of them gave me big hugs.
-Being reminded of the cute things ESL kids say. During the summer, they took a part of the school that just had gravel and rocks and made it into staff parking. One of the boys was shocked that there were cars there, and he proceeded to say, "The cars are stepping on the grass!" I didn't know cars took steps, but they obviously do!
-Going to a baby shower for a teacher's wife. I had their daughter last year. The teacher's wife is having their third but their first son, so that will be exciting.
-Learning more about "shining like a star." My theme for my classroom is "shining like stars" from Philippians 2:14-15. We talked about what that looks like in our lives. May I truly learn those lessons too and be a good example to all those around me!

All in all, it was a good yet tiring week. Hopefully this week my students will be a little more used to the way I do things and be ready for the week!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Woah. It's been two months since I last posted. Sorry about that. My parents' computer at home is too slow. I had an amazing summer and now am back in the DR. It is good to be back. Here's a little catch up on the last two months:

~Craziness at the beginning of the summer! I got home late June 10th and left early June 11th for a wedding in Colorado. Unfortunately, my bags did not make it in time, so I went the next almost three weeks without them! Oh well. Colorado was beautiful, and so was Abi and Adam's wedding. Then from there on the 15th I flew to Seattle. I got to hang out with old friends and go to Amy and Joe's wedding, which was also beautiful. On the 24th I flew to New Mexico to hang out with Anna. Yes, your name must begin with an A if I am going to travel to see you! I headed home on the 29th.
~Relaxing in Dubuque. I was able to spend a lot of time with friends and family and just resting. It was totally what I needed! It was good to see my friends and hang out with them and catch up. I got to spend a lot of time with my mom too, and that was good. It was nice not having to plan lessons or work all day. I also enjoyed shopping for new clothes. Mine here had gotten so worn out!
~Heading back to the DR! I came back here on the 10th. My old roommate and I flew together, so that was nice. We both had guitars with us, so lots of people asked if we were performers! Haha it was great! It's nice to be back, though it is SO hot! I have two new roommates, Kari and Megan, and they are great. Our apartment has a TON of cockroaches, and yesterday there was a leach! Oh well. As long as they don't climb into my bed with me!

We start school on Tuesday. I can't believe I will be starting my second year of teaching! The first one went so fast and so slow at the same time! I am looking forward to it.

Please join me in praising God for:
-Great roommates
-A job!
-A good church to go to
-A voice!

Please pray for:
-My new students, that their hearts would be open and that I would know how to reach them
-That my voice would hold out. I am thinking it has a lot to do with the neighbor burning trash right outside my classroom window. The school is looking into ways to help fix the problem.
-A good first week of school
-That I would be a good witness to all around me.

Thanks for the prayers! May you be truly blessed this week.