Sunday, October 30, 2011

Three months

I have now been in Africa for three months. It's hard to believe. It seems like so long ago, yet also just yesterday. I have laughed, cried, danced, fallen to the floor, been sick, been healthy,and so much more. Jesus continues to blow me away every day, though so often I don't listen to His voice. My prayer is that I would open my heart up to Him more and more every day. He blows me away. I love hearing my students talk about Him. I love hearing them tell other students that Jesus is the only way to heaven. I love being able to foster a little baby on the weekends. I love the way he laughs and smiles at me. I love the privilege I have to love on him and all the other babies at the orphanage. I want to love more. I want to have Jesus' love just spilling out of me.

As I posted last time, I was really sick last month. I am feeling much better and thankful for that. I am loving my second graders, at least most days :). They keep me on my toes. The best story this month is that a few of them saw writing on the bathroom walls and decided they wanted to solve mysteries. So one of my boys brought a briefcase to school the next day so he could better solve the mysteries! I love their imagination! Their passion for life convicts me. I love how they believe what Jesus says without thinking twice. Oh may I have a faith like that!

I cannot believe it is almost November! This school year has flown by! I am going home for Christmas, which I was not planning on but I am super excited for the opportunity! It will be so good to see friends and family there. If you live in Dubuque, let me know if you want to get together!

As I mentioned earlier, we get to foster a baby on the weekends. I absolutely love it, and him! The next three pictures are of our cute little dude!

This last one is the baby girl we were supposed to foster. The day we went to get her for the first time, she was sick so we didn't take her. Less than two weeks later she died. It was really hard, but I am happy that she is with Jesus!
I am excited to see what God brings my way in the next few weeks. I will try to keep the blog world posted!