Two of the three of you probably know I switched to first grade this year. I am loving it (most days at least) :). They are so cute! I will have many stories I am sure! They are a crazy bunch but so loving and so great. I am looking forward to getting to know them more.
I once again get to teach chapel with my amazing friend Sarah. We decided to go through the life of Jesus. I think it's going to change me more than the kids! I am blown away by just how amazing Jesus is. Wow. Life is hard, but God is good. I am more and more convinced that the harder life is, the more we feel God's presence. The more I cry, the more I can feel his arms around me. The more I feel abandoned, I feel loved by the One who truly loves me. Wow. He is amazing. I want to truly experience Jesus this year. I want to walk in His ways. I want to wrap myself up in His love to the point where nothing can get to me. May I shine bright for him!
My mom mailed my camera cord, so hopefully I will be able to post pictures of the cutest first graders ever soon!