Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January Journalings part 3

Let's see how long this often-posting can happen. I don't even know if anyone ever reads this. I have a feeling it's like 2. Oh well. It's good to get my thoughts out anyways.

Thoughts today? God loves you no matter how emotional you are. One of my little boys had another break down today. He thinks that other people make him mad and that gives him the right to shut down. It was a good reminder to me that I can choose to be mad or let go. And even if I do fall apart sometimes, God still loves me. He loves my little guy who doesn't listen to reason. He can give me love for each and every one of them!

One of my girls melted my heart today. They can earn stickers to buy things from my store. She spent a lot of stickers to buy something for her brother today, and never once rubbed it in that she was doing something kind. Wow. I wish I always thought of others like that.

Random thought? My itunes shuffle is very random. I have such a crazy selection of music. Let me give you a typical progression: Contempory Christian song, Christmas song, Scream-o song, baby kid's song, another Christmas song, jazzed up crazy kid's song from this ridiculous cd I have, instrumental hymn. This is no joke. It makes me laugh and sometimes drives me crazy.

Haiti is still heavy on my mind. Please pray for them. I am hoping to get there sometime in the next couple of months. We can stay on this side of the border so as to not use up their resources.

Cool verse? One thing God has spoken; two things I have heard; that you, O God, are strong, and that you, O Lord, are loving." Psalm 62:11-12a. I love how those two things are paired together. God really is both strong and loving. What a neat picture. May you rest in that love today!