Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Day by Day

I am learning more about relying on the grace of God to face my trials moment by moment. The song that's currently floating through my head says, "Day by day, and with each passing moment, strength I find to meet my trials here. Trusting in the Father's wise bestowment, I've no cause for worry or for fear." Wow. Even through the most challenging of days, I can trust in the Father, and He will give me the strength to face my trials right here. Not in the future, not yesterday, but now. What an amazing God we serve! I am overwhelmed by His goodness and learning more about trusting that His plan is best. In those tough days, it is good for me to focus on the joys around me. One of my favorite verses says, "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer" (Romans 12:12). I need to remember that I can be joyful in hope DURING affliction. I thought I would share with you all out there some of those joys.

Things that make my day:
~Hugs from my awesome third graders
~Sunrises and sunsets
~The funny things my kids say on accident and on purpose
~Letters in my mailbox
~My students asking me questions about Jesus and really seeking
~Passion fruit
~Having a voice!
~Spending time with my Savior, who I can talk to with and without a voice

Some of those are definitely more important than others, but it is so cool to stop and see the little things that make such a big difference. So often I can pass by them quickly. Regarding my kids seeking Jesus, please pray for them. They have asked me some tough questions lately but are truly seeking to know more about this thing called faith. One of my boys asked me, "How do we know that God is the one true God?" What an awesome opportunity I have to tell them about the best thing ever! Some of them are really close to trusting. Please pray that they would make that decision and follow Him the rest of their lives.

I will try to post pictures of whale watching on here soon. I have yet to download them onto my computer. May you find strength to meet your trials, holding onto God's grace for each passing moment.

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