Well, it's been a long while since I wrote on here. Hopefully I will never go that long. Frankly, every time I think about writing I am just not sure where to begin. Leaving the Dominican Republic was very hard. Pulling a sobbing first grader off you twice and having her pulled off you another time is not very fun. I miss my kids, my friends, my life there. BUT I am also excited about what's coming. I am in Iowa for three more weeks and then off to KENYA. I am trying to get everything ready for the big move. It's hard to fit everything in life in just a couple suitcases! This summer I spent a few weeks on the west coast. Unfortunately, I took like no pictures. Sorry! My family took the train out, so that was a lot of fun (and a lot of bumps!) It was great to see my grandma and friends out in Seattle and east of the mountains. I realized that is the last time I will see my brother for a while because he is still in Seattle and won't be back until after I leave. I am not a fan of goodbyes! Oh well.
Several of you have asked if my blog address will stay the same. I am not planning on changing it, but if I do, I will make it very clear how to get to the new one. I won't be in the DR anymore, but that's okay. You all know that.
I am learning a lot about trusting God during this season of my life. It's easy to question what He is doing and what is happening, but then I realize again that He has a plan, that He is in charge, and that if I follow Him, I am right where I should be. I am blessed that I have a job. Several of my teacher friends do not, and my heart aches for them. I have so many blessings to count!
Thank you to all who have been and are praying for me. I hope to keep updating here and then also plan to send out email updates. Please continue to pray for my time in transition, especially adjusting to life in Kenya. I haven't taught second grade before, so it's going to be a lot of adjustments, to say the least! But God is good.
Here are just some fun pictures of my last few weeks in the DR.
At the beach. Usually there are swarms of people right here, but not that day. My friend Amanda and I went for the weekend. It was so great. I miss her a lot!
My crazy class on the last day of school. I miss them too!
One of my church friends on my last day at my Dominican Church.
With Angie, a kindergarten teacher, Jenn, the art teacher, and Eileen, my amazing principal, at Camp David. This is up on the mountain overlooking the city.
Field Day. We were the red team. That yellow glob is a sponge filled with water. I just LOVE that little girl's face! Isn't that awesome?!?!
My crazy class on the last day of school. I miss them too!
One of my church friends on my last day at my Dominican Church.
With Angie, a kindergarten teacher, Jenn, the art teacher, and Eileen, my amazing principal, at Camp David. This is up on the mountain overlooking the city.
Field Day. We were the red team. That yellow glob is a sponge filled with water. I just LOVE that little girl's face! Isn't that awesome?!?!
Have a great week everyone! I will try to write more soon and post more pictures!
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