Monday, April 22, 2013

Oh man, it’s been a long time. I could give many excuses, but you don’t need that. In fact, I am not even sure why I stopped writing on here. I just did. I can’t promise I will continue, but I will try. I took myself to a coffee place in town so I would have to sit down and write an update to email as well as a blog entry. The update is done, and now I feel like my brain is empty! And I just spilled sugar all over the table. So if that gives you any indication of how well my brain is working right now…
Yes, in case you were wondering, I am still Miss Ridiculous. The ridiculous things I wrote about in November seem so far away now. I have since moved on to other ridiculous adventures. But the Christmas Walk/living nativity scene went really well. The best part, according to the kids, was that we had a “real” Jesus! One of my friends brought the three month old she was fostering, so Mary was able to have a real baby! They were so so excited. And Joseph did not dance in the stables, though he was the cutest thing I have ever seen holding that baby! He truly loved being Joseph. And cupcake the hamster is still alive. She has also never managed to escape her cage! The kids love her, and she has been pretty easy to take care of. The best part is when I put her in her ball and let her roll around. If the kids are around, she usually goes in a corner and hides from them. They always think she is stuck when in fact she is just trying to avoid them. Smart hamster J.
Looking back, I am not sure my new adventures are quite as ridiculous as those. But life never ceases to be interesting, and entertaining. This past week I helped judge the elementary talent show auditions. Let me tell you, I wish I had a video camera! They were so so so funny! I love that lots of kids are not afraid to get in front of people and sing or dance or do something crazy. If only us adults could be so confident! Well, not too confident J. I do wish however that I could dance like some of those kids J.
My sweet little Michuki got adopted, which means I have a precious little girl now. She is the best! She is four months and has the sweetest personality. It will be hard to let her go when she gets adopted, and I will be so happy at the same time!
Other ridiculous things…well…this one is ridiculous in a good way. Less than a month before spring break, my roommate asked if I wanted to go to Ethiopia with her. I of course said YES! We booked our tickets about two weeks before we left J. We had a great time and it was fun to see more of Africa. 

 The sweet little orphan boy I "babysat" for a week and a half when his foster parents were out of town.
 Anyone else want weather like this?
 Flags representing some of the countries our students are from.
 Sweetest girl EVER
 Carol and I

Being silly in Ethiopia :). If you have never heard of Lalibela, look it up. They have ancient stone churches that are beautiful!

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