Sunday, May 5, 2013

Will you let me heal you?

Today in church I heard one of the best sermons I had heard in a very long time. The speaker was talking on John 5 about the man who was an invalid for 38 years and lying by the pool. He was never able to be the first one in and therefore be healed because he didn't have anyone to help him. Jesus asked him "Do you want to walk?" The speaker talked about how in our lives, God is asking us, "Do you want to be healed?" How often do I answer that question with a no. I am afraid it won't work, I am afraid I might look silly, I am afraid of letting go of that hurt. Jesus told the man to pick up his mat and walk. He didn't tell the man to leave it there for the next day because he might need it. It was needed no more! So often God wants to heal me but I still hold onto that hurt in some way. I want to allow God to come in and heal me, no matter how painful that process may be! He is good!

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