Friday, February 25, 2011

I will trust you

Okay, so the plan is to post pictures soon. Hopefully this weekend. I did have tons of plans but I think all of them fell through, so I will have time to picture blog I hope. It's amazing what God does as we let him. The last few weeks have been really rough but it's amazing how much God teaches me about myself and about Him when I am in the valley. I love those mountains He gives us while struggling too. Sometimes they are just hills, but all the while He shows a little more of His face to us. The next few months are a huge time of transition for me. It's been really hard but so good at the same time. I stumbled on a song by Steven Curtis Chapman called "I will trust you." His sorrow is much bigger than my own, but I really like especially the last part of the song.
God I’m longing for the day to come
When this cloudy glass I’m looking through
Is shattered in a million pieces
And finally I can just see You
God you know I believe its true
I know I will see you
But until the day I do

And I will trust you, I’ll trust you
Trust you God, I will
Even when I don’t understand
Even then I will say again
You are my God
And I will trust You

And with every breath I take
And for every day that breaks
I will trust you
I will trust you
and when nothing is making sense
Even then I will say again
God I trust You
I will trust You

I know your heart is good
I know your love is strong
I know your plans for me
Are much better than my own

So I will trust you, I’ll trust you
I trust you God, I will
Even when I can’t see the end

I love that we can trust Him because we know His heart is good, His love is strong, and His plans for me are so much better than my own. Wow. Every time I think of that it blows my mind. I have some pretty good plans for myself, or so I think. But God's are so much better. May I open my heart up to Him and to His ways. Even in the midst of health problems again or transition or so many other factors, I have so many things to be thankful for. We serve an amazing and faithful God! May you learn to love Him more and more!

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